Saturday, March 27, 2010

DIY - Challenge #2

So I have been pretty successful making normally store bought items myself. The peanut butter recipes are ridiculously easy to do and don't see why someone would want to buy this product with all the added ingredients or more importantly why manufacturers would add so many ingredients.

Onto my second personal challenge to live simpler (ie more naturally).
Do it yourself home products.
Now I have admittedly tried many of the products throughout the last few months but am now on a search to broaden my horizons. I post all the homemade products and ideas in hopes that if someone browses this blog, they may try one or two out - IT REALLY IS VERY SIMPLE.

I think convenience has gotten in the way of useful. At some point, way before I was a consumer, one sought the convenience of getting a cleanser from the store maybe because they didn't want to search for the ingredients or maybe because they came in a nifty container that made using simpler. Then (or maybe from the beginning) these products were compromised with additional ingredients and were no longer the "stuff grandma used to make". Maybe no one noticed and when they did the convenience was still there and really you can't make it at home - look at all these words I can't pronounce. I am trying to see if indeed you can.

This week I am making the following:
Powdered laundry detergent
Glass Cleaner
General Surface Cleanser

Additionally I am going to look up some "home remedies" which actually should just be called plain old natural ways of doing things such as the use of lemon juice while dusting or as a stain remover (along with the sun).

At the end of this week I will report on the success rate of these endeavors.

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